Expand Your Mind No. 4 - eSports, Art, and Commerce


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Making Money from eSports 

The idea that playing video games competitively is a way to make tons of money is baffling. Gamers are just doing what they love and they are making a living. Check out this video that compares professional gamers to professional athletes to understand how similar they are and where the money is coming from.


How to Be an Artist

Trying to make a career as an artist is intimidating. The definition of art is constantly changing and being original is incredibly challenging. Check out this article that gives 33 rules to help become an artist or learn about what it means to be an artist. 

We loved lesson 24 and are working on growing our vampire fangs.


The Future of Commerce

This weeks mind master is Web Smith. His ability to analyze businesses and commerce in a comprehensive and accessible manner has been super useful. In this interview, he breaks down his thought process for analysis. 

His beliefs, theories, and hypotheses about consumer psychology, digital media, and eCommerce are a must-read for anyone interested or working in business.
