Grow Your Tribe No. 11 - Investing Wizards


This week, we’re highlighting some of the best investors in modern history.

Investors are tasked with studying trends, history, and human psychology to find value where others are overlooking it.

Hear from some of the best below.


Warren Buffett, another one of the most successful investors of all-time, drops what he’s doing to read a new Howard Marks letter when it comes out. It drips with the insights of a man who has climbed to the top of the investing world and intends to remain there.

Marks’ firm, Oaktree Capital, is the world’s largest distressed securities investor and one of the largest credit investors in the world. That means he and his team are exceptional at separate hysteria from the truth. His letters help you do that.


Bridgewater Associates is the largest hedge fund on Earth. Ray Dalio, is the firm’s founder, co-Chairman, and co-Chief Investment Officer.

In this video, you’ll notice how he speaks to an institutional investing community that is skeptical about allocating resources in the world’s second-largest economy.


Josh Wolfe and his firm, Lux Capital, invest in mind-bending technology that will transform the future. Like most venture firms, they miss on 50% of their investments.

However, when they hit, they hit big.

Josh spends his days in the trenches meeting founders, touring research facilities, and reading academic journals. His tweets reflect his learnings and will make you see the future a little more clearly.


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